An English Tea Party

By Susan

Some four years ago while in England, I became acquainted with members of the Beaumont Society which is the British ver- sion of Tri-Sig except that they are somewhat more liberal in their member selection. While at an informal small nighttime gathering, I was asked if I would like to attend a formal tea. Since this would be an afternoon affair, and since I am reluctant to go out in the daytime, I declined the invitation. There was some discussion about this, and after one of the girls assured me that she would be happy to pick me up, I agreed to go; agreed to go with some hesitation, since it was apparent that Susan was "on the line,' and needed to make a good impression in at least three aspects - as a woman, as an American, and as a properly turned-out member of Tri-Sig.


What follows is what I saw, how I felt, the affair itself, and my reactions. Do hope you enjoy it.

Immediately that feminine problem of “Oh, dear, what do I wear?" raised it's head . . . and was solved with the assistance of the British GG that I was dating. She found it rather amusing to help me select my dress and accessories for the occasion, since she herself had never been to a "formal" tea. That problem having been solved, all I had to contend with was the anxiousness that we all feel about an affair like this.
